maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

keskiviikko 2. maaliskuuta 2022

About the danger of a third world war

 In the news there has been about the wsr of Russia against Ukraine. But there have been also about how European countries have reacted, which has been scaringly war like, maybe so because the many female political leaders need experience in women associating with war, so that for future situations things would work out much better. But today in the internet news there was warned of a third world war with nuclear weapons. That is much too far towards the direction of war. Have the female leaders been on a spring diet to get thin or reacted unwisely to a diet boom of women, since diets cause negligence and aggressions. 

keskiviikko 29. joulukuuta 2021

About the end of the world

 Yesterday and todsy things have seemed to get explained by that there is the end of the world coming next New Year which means two days from now. But if one thinks of continuing having Christmas time like is traditional way to celebrate Christmas time instead of like in the radio foreigners singing the Christmas songs without them having culturally such tradition, then things seem to be ok, peaceful and there seems to be no end of the world coming, just a few more days of Christmas time.

Generally for avoiding an end of the world, one ought to wish well for the whole world, be a positive influence for it, and so if the world is of spirit, it is likely that nothibg dangerous happens to you. Wishing well in a healthy kind of way, living healtjily and morally, beautifully in the spiritual sense, like one who likes music, the beauty of nature, civiliced wisdom. 

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29.1.2022 About nuclear wars in my Christmas gnome skills text J37., J38., J39. and J51. 

torstai 18. helmikuuta 2021

Mars landing

 In the news it was told that a vehicle will land on mars today evening. There was a live video or the like from the space personnel, who weremainly looking it from the point if view of engineers having sent a machine to a ball of stone and dust, with some gas around it too. that view seemed uncapable of handling if there would be some encounter of alien life or some conflict of military interests of different nations. Yet all spiritually inclined sources I have heard of tell of the planets by emphasizing their different nature and say that mars is a planet of war. Such ought to be taken into account and avoided such contacts. It is said that Mars has also strong winds. And that war likedness is maybe cayúsed by the cold, but in my opinion cold does not usually cause such at all. Instead I have the impression that the Finnish rule "Live and let others live", see for it, could solve it away by giving more independency to individuals there.

sunnuntai 27. joulukuuta 2020

Internet ought to be made more local

 Two last New Years it has been in the atmosphere that there somewhere was nuclear bombs, towns destroyed. There is four days until the next New Year and it again this Sunday is in the air that there may be a nuclear war in the New Year and somewhat afterwards. It is difficult to understand such. Maybe someone, if there is a conflict, could want to kill maybe ten by a car bomb or the like, but milloins just because there is a New Year celebration is too much. I cannot help wondering if the foreign nations feel to have come too close because there are many internet pages from them on one's own computer. Would it help to make internet more local, for example if there is a dislike toward some cultural habits, librarians andf journalists would choose the pages, some maybe teachers too, and some allowed to some groups similarly chosen, and so there would be much fewer pages from such countries and the pages would be chosen to suit the audience? And one ought to recommend similar anmd other good quality pages just from liked cultures.

28th of December 2020   A piece of meditation advice for beginners (both in Finnish and in English)

perjantai 6. marraskuuta 2020

About skill levels (US elections)

 The last few days I have followed US elections from the news and have not understood much, so that I have been kind of puzzled and bothered with the fuss, but a few things I have come to think about. Is one question whether medicine helps people or disturbs their lives? The very skilled, like many people learn needed skills as they become older, often have also own skills about healing, and so a young medicine practitioner or an older one who for some reason is still on that level which relies on schooling and does not have own skills to estimate things better, those just disturb the healing of the skilled. While a young person without much such skills but with a wish to follow healthy ways of living, might naturally benefit froma  wound being sewn closed, from medicine mildening inflammation, etc. And I guess then there are in addition people without healthy ways of living, who do not get cured so well. And the problem is that as people get older, fewer recognize their real skill levels and so the very skilled (often via age, and that means many) and the not at all skilled get mixed in the eyes of the school level ratyionality and some mischievous or enemy like of them try to prevent healthy ways of living from the skilled and from the old, so as to gain position for school anbd education. But of course an understanding of one's own is also needed, and that is why the very skilled are valuable to others too, valuable to the just educated too. 

(My views about curing )

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30th of November 2020   I live in Finland in North-East Europe in a countryside town with an opera festival in the summer time. At least here the difference between investing in education and on the other hand trusting the wisdom of the elderly and arts and maybe religion too, seems to be close what this town meets via tourism, raising the kids,people wanting to learn arts, etc. Generally people whose understanding isn't so good value education, while people who are educated value more own common sense, arts and a wider view of the world, wisdom of life too. In education one studies among other things also thinking skills, and so in the teaching material the chains of thought are clearly told, while after education one still demands rationality, also basic ratiuonality, but often is more interested in the subjects themselves and in practical things and so many times the chains of thought are left for the readers to think through by themselves and not marked so clearly, but there are very many of them. To discern between the skilled and the uneducated, one ought to ask for such grounds but not demand a different way of writing usually, but since it is a higher level of skill, one ought to use very good quality rationality oneself when asking for clearer grounds.


"E39. 30th of November 2020   In following the presidental elections of USA I did not understand much. But is it so that one party wants things according to education, while the other says that people do not in practice make choices so and that needs to be taken into account which then causes more like a mess. In the University of Helsinki, Finland, where I studied as a young adult, it was thought that educatyion needs as it's support a wider view of the world, often theoretical in the light of wisdom of life and with the ages old healthy natural ways of living giving a picture of humans via which one can understand a lot and offer happy life in practice, well working solutions too. Via wisdom of life one finds answers that are good for others to use, and so the solutions work out better, and the biological picture of humans is at so theoretically wide level that it can build a bridge between different types of humans and even animals, so that one does not create a mess but instead easy naturally working solutions. "

torstai 29. lokakuuta 2020

About the effect of the media

 I found from old films from the beginning of 1900's and the oldest was from English garden 1888. The oldest video looked first like as if it was not so old, but come to think of it, could the fist one have been not so self-conscious, not thinking what others see. I mean the idea was well thought of but the people more sovereign like here live I, instead f thinking that they are in sight sometimes very much and mostly not at all. Some old books bring a similar sense of people having been sovereign, not so muc looked at, more like opinion asked and asked to do some piece of work. So what is the effect of media and photograpfs? Should we somehow emphasize more our basic life and not just the photographed parts, even if other scomment ons eeing pictures? Is the effect of news similar? And why does it mean that many live kind of superficially, not so happily, waiuting for such occasions?