lauantai 8. joulukuuta 2018

What a president dying causes in the world

This week earlier there was in the news that the former president of USA George Bush senior had died and people wondered what it might cause in the world. I looked the beginning of the program about the funeral, but the cars very slowly approaching the church had the atmosphere of present president of USA Trump and very dark and fat, as if he had died. That is a very difficult question, so I soon shut the program. But the next day people here in Finöand seemed to think of a dark fat figure like Trump - had Trump died and what could it cause? Finns understand rationality very well but not foreign social ways, so what Trump might have gotten as a response was a much too difficult question and during the last days people have been afraid of  nuclear wars in the world. So they have searched for options and one clear one has been to emphasize one'splace in the world and not one's relationship to Trump. Today evening on a Finnish news site there was a piece of news about a snow castle in Finnish Lapplkand having partly collapsed upon three people, a snowy arctic scene as a picture, and another piece of news about riots(?) in France, some 700 arrested and the police had found they had hammers for ordinary building work, Y-shaped sticks with gummy string to throw little pieces and they had also stones, which too sound peaceful compared to the danger of a nuclear war. At the same time these created together of the danger of wars an imago that reminded of Trump'sstyle. So can it be that people had so much wondered what Trump might cause that all were somewhat like Trump, and so it was reflected in the public views, in the alternatives and perspective in the media that people find suited for the moment being somewhat Trump style too. So as these were aiming away from nuclear war, Trump's influence too must have aimed way from such, and that is how the possible death of Trump could have affected the world, in addition to ordinary relations between groups and nations.
As far as I know, quite often when someone dies, after a while life continues much like if he/she never existed, never was social with, but more like if he/she was a distant aquiantage, present in the society and not as personally influential. But I do not know how it s with politicians. Only admirers of some skill of his/hers may later make some emphazis on him/her as if he/she was an pop star or professional forefigure.

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