maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2020

About women power

As a woman I have been delighted to see that many women have excellent skills and dedication for their work. In the university female students were often smarter than men. But such often happens when one is not taking part in rigid ways but instead more freely uses skills from other areas of life, like often happens when one is not so much raised to the same role, to the same tasks, but instead comes from a different background with high skills in something similar but not the same. On the other hand I have not noticed power going to women via skills but instead more via looks and some social estimates that do not go right. One should not treat women as if women were martians and impossible to understand. Women's characteristics are shown in women's looks just the same way as men's characteristics in men's looks, but women are often very different from men, so guesswork is not ok. One should just demand professional skills and ¨good work ethic, and not confuse positions of power with sex affairs. Power is a society level thing, while sex is a thing at the level of social relationships, which of course are also parts of the society and ought to not to break against the common good. 


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1st of December 2020    I copied this to my long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes. It is C69. there and there are some other texts there about similar subjects and some links too.

Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love
Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view
The whole blog

2nd of December 2020   I have not been a boss. I am a thinker and a writer. I think that often when people fail in something, they make an error at a lower level of intelligence than their usual, and often that is an error about the mechanical basci grounds for complex things according to feelings. So I often write about such grounds, yet thinking that the readers ought to understand the whole thing at a more complex level, in wiser ways too.

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