lauantai 8. elokuuta 2020

Disappeared persons high in the hierargy may live in Finland

"421. Disappeared persons high in the hierargy, like the pope, presidents, etc, are often travelling in Finland, since high in the hierargy means carrying responsibility about a wide area in a good quality way and many Finns carry responsiubility about the whole world and do it with good quality objective thinking with a picture of the whole, and so very many Finns may be marked higher than some high officials abroad, and so many people lose sight of them if they travel in Finland, since they used to recognice them by their position high in the hierargy."

It has usually been considered polite to not to tell this and let them travel in peace,but if for example the pope disappears, like last psring I saw on a street a man who left the thought that he is the pope, that may be a reason for nuclear war, so I guess that it needs to be told, but I am not sure of this.

As far as I know I am/used to be the highest or among the highest in such a hierargy in the human kind. Some Buddha may be higher. I am a skilled objective thinker and my paradise theory (see ) makes cyclic view on time possible in the present day world. I have always tried to be quite ordinary since so there are good possibilities ofr life and my answers work for many kinds of people.

torstai 6. elokuuta 2020

Did 1940's make people stupid?

In the news it was that today is 75 years since the bomb of Hiroshima. The atom bomb was called "little boy". Since often engineers etc do not much believe in technology, even computers which seem capable of much, reoeat some simple task many times to produce for example pictures on the screen. But other areas of life appear complex and capable of much. So instead of just a bomb,an engineer knew that little boys do not know much and are not so skilled, it would cause a lot of damage and lot of stupidity to copy in such a central issue from little boys, and so they named the bomb so that it's name would cause destruction. The others would think school a good correction for such stupidity, but since likelily the boys and the very stupid were the most eager supportersof school studies, they ended up getting influences from boys and the very stupid also that way, and so the 1940's maybe made the world much more stupid.
I wonder if these are inföuecies that were not asked for for oneself but instead were meant to be subjects handled in the mnedia: how to get the boys and the very stupid to school, who were they who so much wanted to bomb by an atom bomb and what were the opinions of others and their skill levels. Often when one emphatizes with a very stupid persons,one gets drown in that perspective and cannot anymore grasp ordinary things of one's ordinary understanding, and so one is left in the stupid viewpoint which increase stupidity, for an overly long time.

maanantai 3. elokuuta 2020

I wonder if some towns have been bombed

Some 11 years ago I moved from the capital district of Finland to a countryside town in eastern Finland, and so it is quite natural that here there are less news from the capital district. Yet the last two new years have left a taste of possiblenuclearn war in the world, and the last January there was not all the time snow, which is very unusual in Finland,and I felt very tired. Some times in reading news I have wondered about the maps: USA withut Californian peninsula, Kopenhagen in denmark changed place and the pictures of Helsinki in Finland seem to have something wrong compared to the town I grew yup in. So I wonder if someone bombed them.
Helsinki is/was a very academically inclined town with healthy ways of living and healthy kind of wisdom of life that is very valuable for happy life and for things running well. As a capital it's culture has wisdom of how to get things work well in a democracy. As values freedom,nature, a good future, rationality, individuality, responsibility were important.
Yesterday I read from a newspaper that someone lives n Helsinki in a place whose name is a part of town in Tampere. There was in the radio an orthodox Christian liturgy from Helsinki, but I had never heard of such church and when I happened to listen to a  very short piece of it, it sounded unfamiliar, like not in Helsinki and Finland. I was born in Helsinki and lived there my youth, a little bit over 30 years.

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25th of November 2021 in Espoo
I do not know which towns or places have been bombed but my impression is that the most famous places that sound like big leaders in the world and of which one's social eye does not tell what they are like, would be the likeliest to get bombed. In addition very much attacking places, I would guess.