torstai 19. syyskuuta 2019
Reading about Mahatma Gandhi
It has a quotation: "There is no road to peace. Oeace is the roiad." Upon the well functioning you can builkd future life. If something is not ok, you cannot build ok situation upon it. If you see in it parts that are ok, things well, then you can build upon such and achieve a much better situation.
I propably had heard but had not quite registered that Gandhi first influenced in South Africa. This far I have read only the first spoeach and it seemed to be from a situation where Asian culture had a rigid theory perspective that Asians found easy to follow, which is connected to them thinking not so well but anyway somewhat and having much more skilled Asian forefigures that can offer thoughts to follow, while the Africans and those Asians who had moved to live in Africa wanted to have more basic life with social considerations and freedom and common sense's view dominant, and so he talked about rigid rules causing åroblems in marriages and freedomoffering road to common sense and well working social life.So it was a South African view to life that he supported. I wonder if present day Indians have failed to notice that difference and just copied a peculiar maybe well working approach? But I guess that Asians would need more climate skills and skills in the art of living instead of African influence.
Can nonviolence be a question of larger areas of influence via international trade, media and larger nations with easy transport?You kind of mix with the daily life, with the well working society of far away places. So you get a mass of theory perspectives of how to run a society and how to arrange your way of life, and also the ways different professions live may vary much more. So there isn't a border and calshes there between different ways of living the daily life and different values, and good will inside the area with the same likings and values, with some getting killed on the border or upon not liking the local values.
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My thinking course at teaches good qualitu common sense like objective thinking that is good for just about all things that need thinking.
For learning climate skills moving in varied ways is good. It does not need to be much, already a few meters quickly like suits the sporty wishes of the moment and in a way that varies accoring to the situation: mood, ground, heat regulation, how near one is the beginning or end, what is a good way to run, etc, without social intentions but with good will like liking hobbies. That already teaches tuning to environmental conditions and to the state of one'sbody, the effect of one's mood, of different company, tiredness, future plans etc
Moving teaches also skills in the art of living but that almost demands a sports hobby in which one moves in varied ways, reactively, aiming for learning skills of moving and loving the practiucalö healthy life, since in moving there are mony things to take into account liuke in life, but in moving those are in a concretical form and without much social pressure.
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21.10.2019 Did factory made products make markets much wider so that the size of societies grew a lot, and to that was needed a well running theory perspective that would leave room for the traditional local cultures, to which maybe European British perspective was good and an European was an outsider so they were automatically without much influence in local affairs and local culture, more like the person just carrying some theory perspective that was good for a wider market, maybe the task was somehow similar to meeting the demands of a climate of four seasons, in which you need a picture of the whole year and expectation for different types of predictable seasons. When the Indians had learned such thinking & perspective themselves, the British were no longer needed. Well, just a guess..
lauantai 24. elokuuta 2019
What's the beginning and what's the end?
The map of Finland looks like a maiden. Where the ear should be is a great lake that is suite much of a bomb shape.The Santa Claus is said to live in the Finnish Lappland in Ear Lapplandhill. Was he bombed? In our hearts there is the motivation to continue giving presents in the Christmas time and the tradition goes on, all over the world.
These both make one wonder is bombing the headquarters or famous sounding places as starightforward question as one would guess?
Also, having taken part in quite many groups, how usual is it that professionals are fed up with the subject and those creating the demand of it have just about never heard of it being a possibility for them to have suhc so much?
Is it also so that so nice guy as Santa Claus is famous all the way to China and is there maybe one of the very few so famous far away foreigners, and so is a carrier of the typical prejudices against foreigners, peculiar looks, style, things done so foreign in style. Maybe they want to bomb such odd thing away from there? So is it good to be so famous at all in far away places? Does usa's reputation, the name Uncle Sam and market economy's goods to buy have anything to do with this amount of being a foreigner like Santa Claus?
perjantai 23. elokuuta 2019
Egyptian pyramids
2nd of September 2019
The above idea came to my mind when I visited an internet page of Egyptian tourism to send them a lonk . There was a picture of a pyramid on the page as if to say "pyramids and the internet pages" and it was in connectionwith tourims, which brought to my mind lighting monuments and important houses with colourful lights in the evening and night time, but the page somehow brought to my mind projecting internet pages to the sides of a pyramid, so I guess the idea was theirs, of course.
Could it be that mommies(?) wrapped in paper inside the pyramid, preserved tp last long were a description of writers' life?
And that the spfinxes(?) with lion body but human head were a description of what a good writer is like: complex wise tghings about life and the world tells in an understandable way that does not neglect building things etc, human like things.
6th October 2019 I was left wondering did they have lights that could shine so far. But maybe if one ponders about fires etc via physics, it isn't as effective as being interested in giving civiliced wisdom to the peoples who come to look at the pyramids, I mean that the focus is different and the spirit is different, like "Light to the people who wander in the darkness (of a lack of civiliced wisdom)."
22th of April 2020
Two days ago my poodle who likes very much to read the local newspaper, buried his nose in the paper and mentioned Egyptian dogs which wrapped themselves in papyrus, like insects in a flour jar.
Now it came to my mind could it have been easier for the Egyptians to start writing if they had told of animals: of the holy insects which taught us to write?
30th of July 2020 Was I clear enough? In Finland there are worms called "kirjanpainajan toukat" book printer worms, which dig fine looking tunnels under tree's bark, somewhat into the tree too. It is said that from the tunnels one can see how the worm lived, what kind of view to life it had, it is kind of it's way of writing that other worms can read when they travel the same tunnels, and that we humans can sometimes see in a fallen branch without bark.
Maybe the ancient egyptians tried the same way of writing and draw first footprints and then someone also the picture of the hand or a whole human, and so was maybe the way of writing born.
20.10.2020 Or in the evening and morning when sun is low, reflect sunlight to the shadow side of the pyramid via a sheet of wood with holes for the hieroglypfs.
18th of June 2021 I watched maybe half of a vidro about Rosetta stone. There were shown many hueroglypf texts which gave tge imoression tgat humans had been under the ruke of birds, kind of gotten ideas of how to do from individual birds that they knew, lived with, and that some hieroglypf texts meant the bird had gotten offspring, a family whicj was described.
If you try to copy such a good start, please find a bird that is responsible, thinks wisely of the wide world and of younger generations. That I guess depends on the colour symbolics, specie's ways of living, age abd personal hobbies of the bird plus about bonfing and respecting the oåinions of the bird and picking just wise magnigient starts.
torstai 25. heinäkuuta 2019
Too much influence from engineering around the world
So I guess that one needs effective means of smallening the amount of influence from engineering. The first advice is of course that one should not oneself be so interested in engineering, not classify it so important. In addition one ought to avoid in terest ins space travel, conversations in engineering style or about engineering, take distance to people who term engineering important, etc. And for oneself, one ought to learn skills in other areas of life, and do it with good quality, from the beginning too, since engineerting often disturbs one's abilities of observation, and so one should be interested in looking complex natural landscapes with a good eyesight, a good understanding and the sense of atmosphere tones.
For those who want more distance to engineering, my blog might help. Also my long text "Gnome like life in the modern world" might fit some.
tiistai 2. heinäkuuta 2019
Lack of good drinking water
From my text about gnome like life in the modern world :
"30th of June 2019 If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too."
Of Arabs'lack of water I come to think that I once heard that Arabs pray for water in a greedy way, wanting all water for themselves and not to others. But usually good options are good for a large group, on a general level, and so one ought to find the right answer by praying that all would get well water, flourish in harmony.
Strategy when encountering ufos
My paradise theory can be partly applied to what would be a good strategy when encountering aliens, at least it would tell on a theoretical level what is a good way to ally, like living beings on earth and their cells etc did during the volution or in god's planning.
Likewise the Finnish rule "Live and let others live" can mostly in life and in conflicts be applied to get along and solve problems by giving the others space to live in and having such space oneself too.
If the alien nature is very different from ours, then that may cause instinctual negative reactions on both sides, and/or wrong interpretations. Also misuderstanding are often caused by wrong interpretations, to which maybe would help to understand the different animal species on Earth, maybe plants too, and to have oneself an ability to tune to different environmental conditions like with climate's variation and to other things too on a half-instinctual level.
I quote from one of my blogs:
"30th of June 2019 If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too."
I showed the same news site for the first time (maybe) yesterday to my ten years old apricot poodle boy Banjo, who can read well Finnish. (See my other dog, late Japanese spitz Vaapukka, some eleven years ago obeying written commands.) My poodle thought things having to do with animals may be of spirit in such a way that something similar happens,like to a reddish dog with banana like name connects a reddish cigarette formed ufo on the sky.
Such is in my opinion typical to guesswork when encountering something unusual for the first time, but a dog reading news would later bring mostly influence just from dogs, newspapers and the like.
"My method of solving large scale problems
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world."
sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2019
Countries' style of associating with foreign countries
maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2019
Helsingin ja Espoon Raide-Jokerista
Muutin Helsingistä pois jo 14 vuotta sitten, mutta asuin siellä nuorena. Viimeiset kymmenen vuotta olen asunut Savonlinnassa ja siinä välissä espoossa. Savonlinnassa ymmärretään eri puolia rakentamisesta ja asiopiden järjestämisestä kuin Helsingissä, sillä Helsinki oli yliopistokeskeinen paikakkunta ja Savonlinnassa taas ovat tärkeitä jokakesäiset oopperajuhlat heinäkuussa ja matkailu sekä mökkeily, mitkä kysyvät mm hyvän hengen ja paikkojen erikoisluonteen vaalimista, mitä olen oppinut lähinnä käsitöistä: joistakin materiaaleista vain saa joitakin tiettyjä rakennettua hyvin ja toisia taas ei, ei tule hyvänhenkistä, jos rakentaa tiukan etukäteissuunnitelman mukaan, vaan olisi katsottava, millaista missäkin on.
Vaikkei olisi yhtä lailla vaalittua, niin Helsingissäkinon eri kaupunginosilla yms paikoilla ominaisluonteensa, mikä osin johtuu siitä, että ne ovat erillisiä, erikseen valittavia vierailu-, asumis- tai työpaikkoja. Esim. Viikki ainakin tapasi olla lintulahtineen omanlaisensa luonnonläheinen hyvähenkinen paikka, johon yliopisyton luonnonläheisten alojen laitokset kai sopivat hyvin, mutta sitten taas kehäradan toisessa päässä oleva Otaniemi on aivan eritavoin suuntautunut, aivan eri asioita vaaliva ja arvostava, tavallisen ammattialaspektrin toisessa ääripäässä, mitä tulee luonnollisuuteen, ympäristön laatuun, vaalittuihin asioihin ja niiden perinteisyyteen, ihmisluonnosta löytyvyyteen, eli luulisi noiden paikkojen tekevän eri valintoja, jolloin niitä ei kuuluisi sotkea ihan samaan vaan kummallakin olisi omat pääliikenneyhteytensä, viikillä esim. Oulunkylään ja Maunulaan, luultavasti Leppävaaraan asti, muttei Otaniemeen, jottei joka paikasta eksyisi insinöörialoille, vaikka olisi nuori aikuinen toisin valinnut.
Rakentamisesta ja kaupunkisuunnittelusta, niiden taidoista, olen kirjoittanut jotakin blogeissani ja .
sunnuntai 19. toukokuuta 2019
About abort laws
My Finnish language blog teaches some useful skills for finding a spouce. The Finnish skill teaches how to get along in a happy free way without problems, even if there were problems to begin with.
Here is one text I have translated from my Finnish blog for the lonely:
A rose in his teeth
"I was pondering this since in the summer time I once picked tall grasses and tied them with a woolen thread to a bunch that looked quite fine in my opinion, and since my poodle brings me in the evenings a sock that he "says" to be his drink.
So can it be that the clishee of a Romeo with a rose in his teeth, for example climbing in from a window, could refer to what if I do fine fascinating things in my life, have them as my hobbies like my poodle has fascinating things like summer cottage life and arts, so could this clishee refer to someone's life consisting of nice things with good spirit that draw people to them like a rose draws people. So one should have a good life oneself and it would attract someone likeminded who would be very satisfied next to tyou, since she did not come because of theoáter act like things but instead drawn by the same real thing that fascinate you.
I started a new blog of translations from that Finnsih blog, but I am not now in such a mood as to trasnlate so well, but maybe in the autumn, I do not know, maybe not. Anyway, now there are transkated somehow the most urgent text,like maybe is enough for finding a spouce, maybe.
The Finnish blog is long. If you are interested in tranlating it, the friendship society of your country and Finland could propably help in finding people who know both languages.
tiistai 5. helmikuuta 2019
The British and Isaac Newton
the British nowadays, kind of too narrow for life? I some twenty years
ago read from some book his correspondence with Hooke and kind of got
the impression that he was German and Hooke was British. The name
Isaac in connection with German culture would maybe refer to the whole
civilized culture, it's theory perspective, while in Britain maybe to
narrow technical kind of thinking resulting from people coming by ship
from warm countries and trying to appear British, or evil people
trying to appear rational in a British way. Would Isaac Newtin's
theory and reputation have been considered a way to cure British
propeblem of not so rational foreigners arriving by sea? But then
eacvh theory is connected to the climate and culture it was born from,
kind of leaves room for life according to them but not to life in some
other climate and other cultural environment with different shere of
life and different ways of thinking, feeling etc. Likewise if Isaac
Newton was a woman, she would have had a long curly hair and it would
have been mentiuoned quite likely, and so her theories would not have
been suited for men use as well as she would have said, but being
quite hard working life, while women would have had it easy if like
her, since people are often considerate toward themselves but not to
people of clearly different yype.
Can it be that Newton's theories are not what causes problems, at
least if taken along with practical life and a more complex view of
the world and of everyday life, but what causes problems is
differential and integral calculkations, maybe in connection with
Newton's theories. So the calculations shouls be kept separate and put
to computers: so a computer could calculate the mathematical part and
people just give it geometrical shapes and curved surfaces according
to some mathematical functions for the computer to integrate over. So
humans would be pictoral and practical and understand the complexity
of life, while computers would do the repetitive mindless stupid
calculating work."